
Are eco-systems that must be protected


Are eco-systems that must be protected


Our identification, demarcation and characterization services contribute to the preservation of wetlands. This “mapping” not only protects the natural environment, but also alerts you to the potential presence of water on your project sites. Furthermore, we’ll help you every step of the way as you apply for a certificate of authorization from governmental authorities.

A wetland is a site that is saturated with, or flooded by, water for a sufficiently long period of time to influence the soil and/or vegetation. (Couillard Grondin, 1986) Long perceived as unexciting environments, we now recognize the tremendous value that these eco-systems provide in maintaining the balance of nature.

In Quebec, projects that are likely to affect wetlands must first be authorized by the Ministère de l’Environnement et Lutte contre les changements climatiques, under the Environment Quality Act (R.S.Q., chapter Q-2). When a site is suspected to have a wetland present, it is necessary to identify all bodies of water.

Steps needed to identify, demarcate and characterize wetlands:

  • Research alongside municipalities and government agencies;
  • Site visit with GPS surveys using the MELCC simplified botanical method and the Politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables interpretation guide;
  • Data interpretation;
  • Drafting reports.
Un milieu humide aux limites d’un terrain en Montérégie pouvant affecter la réalisation d’un projet immobilier
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